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People change,things go wrong, shit happens
but life goes on.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009 11:38 PM

fann wong & christopher lee 's wedding
one word..赞~! 恭喜恭喜!(:
like omg!they are soo loving, the wedding is soo nice and sweet!!
for once i m getting the "hoping to be married off" feel.its supposed to be every girl's dream when it comes to marriage.
but nah!not me,i m soo okay with being single.(forgetting the unwanted fact zz agghh!) until today..hmmm..theres a slightly changed.(:
i am NOT DESPERATE.its just,i m finally seeing a positive outcome in relationships.
9 years leh!
romantic romantic romantic!
wish them long long nine nine!(:

Monday, September 28, 2009 11:03 PM

anyone planning to watch the new movie "accident" ?

the clique of us had just finished the show.

i wouldnt advise you not to watch it as it was rather interesting at the front.in fact the whole show is nice,hmmm..just dont expect much for the ending.i would say the ending is kinda sucks. -.-

the movie "accident" talks about the 'brainy' that plot to kill,making the incident to look like accident. (woah!i just saw 11 11.hahaha.random:D) then something happened during the killing..and then..shall not elaborate further.haha.

i guess its still a show i would recommend(:
(ps: i was so looking forward for the show)


and today was..okay.

the movie starts at 5 10pm,so we thought meeting at 430pm should be alright,expecting people to be late and woah!like expected.people WERE late.thanks alot. zz
& the clique i mentioned earlier on was me sy wk kh cs timony and cg. a weird combination i guess.haha.nevertheless i did enjoy.thanks guys!(:

dinner at pizza hut
(with only me sy and wk.the rest off for soccer)


Friday, September 25, 2009 8:05 PM

had shirlynn's meeting at 3
it was..okay,but she had totally forgotten about our meeting when i called her about 3 20.
i really dont like her. *frown*
meeting officially ends at 4 40.
went to accompany pj for dinner
random chatts and jokes
i had enjoyed my day.thanks lots di di! haha(:

anyway,i m like half dead now.freaking tired.slept about 615 am yesterday.i am seriously turning a night owl. zzz

&& randomly discovered this interesting video from hm's blog
freaking cute,its a MUST WATCH! (i realised i said "must watch" in every video i posted.haha)

cartoon "nobody" by wonder girls

Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:21 PM

just back from bugis
freaking tired
had com outing again today
full attendance(:
I LOVE MY COM,they never fails to make me smile!(: <4
people,please dont get jealous.i know my com is really cool!rock on!:D
we went to catch the movie "Alien In Attic" ,shop a while and dinner at tian tian huo guo.(:
had fun

sadly,i didnt managed to reach home on time.missed ming zhong and the 8 o clock "fann wong & christopher lee wedding" thing.i want to watch sia!):

anyway,meeting with shirlynn tomorrow..wish me lotss of luck.for those whom didnt know anything.I DONT LIKE SHIRLYNN..at all.sorry about that.我和她8字不合! -.- but i guess she dont like me either..haha

&&..2 up coming events
1 oct thursday - 5b 2008 class gathering at ms j's house(go everybody!i missed you guys[=!)
12 - 14 oct monday - wednesday - SDC chalet at aloha changi.15 bucks each(anybody interested?)

okay.something again.i saw this from ah joe's blog,and i was totally grossed but amazed by it!watch watch!(:

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 11:05 PM

the part when fake sakura died under the sword of fake syaoran in Shunraiki..damn sad!this song is nice and touching..originated played by orchestra but i think the piano version is nice too.(: i want to learn!xp
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle - Hear Our Prayer

12:10 PM

like omg omg omg omg omg!!
the result for first sem is out?!*nervous*
...k la.i pretend only,already gotten my results
GPA 2.875
not considered a bad result but not a good one either
BDC a FDS b+
ONOW b GC c+
OC c VAS c
realised something familiar?
this is exactly the results i got for "o" s!
feels like old times -.-
&& i thought i m gonna fail my OC and VAS however i didnt.be contented!(:

look at time its 12 plus,and i m awake!hahaha you can rarely see me awake at this hours nowadays.thanks to sinyee to have msg me to ask me about my results early in the..afternoon?haha.i couldnt go back to sleep after that.*yawn* zz

Tuesday, September 22, 2009 11:21 PM

actually nothing much today
i m just here to post abt tkh..hahahahah
introducing mr botak!!(:

k i know i m lame,and the graphic sucks.yaya.i cant use my photoshop and my illustrator jpep just cant get uploaded in blogger!dont ask me why,I DONT KNOW.thats why created this lousy looking boy in paint.-.-but seriously,back to topic,he became botak.whatever happened to you kh?haha.
&& i didnt get the chance to take print screen when we webcam just now.so look forward to you see him in person..(:

ok..something random.. omg for ella!!damn what!!..hahahahahahaahahah!!

5:39 PM

这世界上没有偶然,有的只是必然,你们的相遇亦是如此! PS:侑子

有想要取回来的东西,有已经决定要去做的事,所以要变的更强! PS:小狼


我不会死,也不会放弃,因为我有不得不完成的使命! PS:小狼


我有想要取回的东西,或许已经取不回来了,但是… 我想尽我所能…去保护。PS:小狼

乖乖等着吧,虽然很痛苦。PS: 法伊


Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles Tokyo Revelations

omg!this season is freaking sad!!MUST WATCH!!

but somehow or other i can only find the first 3 esp.the rest not out i guess..-.-

Monday, September 21, 2009 5:33 PM

i agree i m crazy..i dont know why i m soo into them this days..hahaha
Big Bang & Wonder Girls - Lies & Tell me

Sunday, September 20, 2009 11:44 PM

Among men and women, those in love do not always announce themselves with declarations and vows. But they are the ones who weep when you're gone. Who miss you every single night, especially when the sky is so deep and beautiful, and the ground so very cold. -Alice Hoffman

anyway,introducing "Lies from BIGBANG".nice song!!
this mv damn nice but sad.

10:20 PM

was at home through out today

but fortunately with a guest in house

bl came with a packet of "unfold" plastic roses,she wanted me to teach her how to fold.i know thats random..haha..but ya.had great fun random-ing around. random-ing = gossiping cum laughing cum watching video cum..basically doing a sort of things.(:

ps: enjoyed myself.hope you do too!with love <3
yup!wearing band tee(:
end product..quite nice hor?

Friday, September 18, 2009 2:40 PM

have you ever seen the other side of her?
i had today.
realised she had spoken less than 10 sentence in the SP cheer meeting earlier on.this is something that had NEVER happened in her entire life.
in past,the only reason that keeps her silent was when she wasnt in good mood.
she is the usual chatterbox in crowd.
however for today,a different case.
she became the most introvert person there.
most of the people there were hard to communicate,she thought.
whatever had happened to her?

wongliqi is a gemini.she has a split personality.

anyway,i went back watching irony mv by wondergirls and found this

must watch!!nice!(:

1:31 AM

how difficult it is to be a designer?
once i thought as long as you are able to produce something good and unique,you can be a designer.
i was wrong.
very wrong.
not only to produce good work,but to satisfy your "customer".
obey whatever they say,give them what they expect.you are restricted with certain "wants".
sometimes they even push you to give up your principles.
they arent easy to please.
it is more difficult when you working with people you just know.like a day or two.
a task given to finish with limited time.

why am i still a designer?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009 11:17 PM

had SDC social-welfare com meeting
meeting supposed to start at 10,however our ah tao here was late.1 hour 45 mintues late.(:
hahahahhahah*blame blame* xp

went k again at clementi
this time with com minus ah joe,sarah and chun en. (ps: dont sad joe.haa!)
and that wz bombed me like nobodys business -.- WATCH OUT!!I DONT WANNA SING WITH YOU next time!blex!
however,no matter how irritated i am.one thing never change.I LOVE MY COM!(: & ah tao mai sad!!wo ting ni dao di!(:


&& just allow me to let out my frustrations
freaking pissed,disgusted and REATTACRB!! (guess yourselves)fcuking!!
i just went checking and guess what?someone confessed to me IN FACEBOOK.this is NOT a good thing trust me!!i mean if he's some great nice guy then well?you should feel happy for me.however!!this is soo damn not true.he's a truly jerk!!! @#$% first of all,why did he typed in fb?like wtf wtf wtf wtf wtfffffffff!!!!

like seriously!!!bull shit!!who want to stay in you heart!! somebody just kill me~!!*pissed*

ps:i m just venting things out...sorry!):

Monday, September 14, 2009 11:11 PM

interview at orchard tower today with jw wk and cs...spent about 3 hours at recuit express
(waste of time -.-)

WINDOW shopping again -.- *stab stab*(kek sim) and accompany cs to buy a shirt that he considered for 3 days.. ><

K at CHEVRONS AVIARY KTV!! hahahaha (ps: i wasnt the one craving for k ok?is tee weekeong!!OOPS!hahahah!!)
to my surprise,that "smbody" is soo NOT mic shy already,unlike the first time we sang.hahahha!!tsk tsk!what happened to you?since when you're so into singing??dont wanna return my mic some more!!tsk tsk tsk!haha..=]
sang 2 hours,9 bucks each.WORTH!!=]

meet xl for shirt at jp
anyway,the ah beng jacket i m wearing belongs to wk,cool uh?=] haha=x

ps:our ms koh here had successfully pissed me off today -.- zz

Sunday, September 13, 2009 9:42 PM

meeting for spc at bugis zz-.-
went with jw and friend.meeting with com + jw = WEIRD but she is being nice to accompany me there.. (pss,go there waste time play game only..haha)

meeting was zz,like no head no tail,only one hour (like damn what!!i travelled this far for an hour meeting)basically abit waste of time,however we had settled our job scope.

shop abit,but is WINDOW shopping.even through we got no money.(jobless people -.-)we just cant leave bugis without shopping. *stab yourself*(kek sim,only can see,cannot buy.tsk!)

went back jurong.(:
joke of the day:
i cant believe how no sense of directions we are.me and jw took the wrong side of the mrt home.like OH MY GODDED!!we only realised when it after 3/4 stops??i dont know. -.- dumb dumb gimme gum gum~ :D

dinner at xl and i de dating place,OLD TOWN COFFEE SHOP (talk and gossip abit haha)

wrong train wrong train!!xP

Saturday, September 12, 2009 1:35 AM

i know this is not like me but its freaking funny!!watch watch!!(:

Wednesday, September 9, 2009 10:43 PM

SDC welfare meeting
i must say this is really a meeting that i ve never attend before.
meeting venue was IN THE MRT!! hahahahahahaah.. incredible but true.(: we were on our way to sarah's working place and then to aloha changi to book chalet.7 of us,talking loudly, standing in circle, discussing.haha.however, the whole journey cost me about 6 bucks ez link. zz can you imagine the number of times we took bus??zzzz -.- haiz

still,i had enjoyed myself today.(:

ps: i liked my blog skin.. *happy*

12:32 AM

SO PRETTY~~ =] right?agree agree?? hahahaha(:

Sunday, September 6, 2009 5:44 PM

OMG!can upload photos liao! *happy* ((:
YOURS minus xl ):
unsuccessful attempt from sky of love
CF grad party
ah lians~
you see ah joe??:D
jp library
webcam-ing during lecture (:
i missed my long hair..
our awareness of measurements as designers..haha

i talk about my life and post unglam photos,hope it wont scare you off!


shuyi shiqi huiteng liting jessica kek celeste junice nazi nad xulan nicole sinyee joemin christina bryan bingrong fah darren meixuan huimei interiordesignyr2 SDclub shophouse shoppingspree bonitochico shopaholic-thecloset hollyhoque design themes

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