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People change,things go wrong, shit happens
but life goes on.
Friday, April 30, 2010 10:11 AM

after so freaking long,i found back this video~!YAY

我我我想想知道 你你你你你...你拍出來有沒有光...

9:25 AM


Tuesday, April 27, 2010 10:58 PM

You guys questioned, we got disappointed
Both sides are affected, because we care, didn’t we?
was on the way home when cs told me to "let it off", so nice of him trying to console me. i laughed, asking him not to disturb. perhaps this is the first time for him to see me in such a state, he tried again. this time a little irritated, i answered with, "you wont understand because you werent with them."
nearly cried

but i didnt la. so not gonna break down in front of people, esp cs.haha
thanks la cs,i know you mean good.:)
lm was asking me if i m ok through out the journey.i will be lying if i say i m totally fine after this much. but well, i guess i m fine enough to stay.. like me? chill out manxzx! it is wongliqi you re talking to.:)
things happens, things we dont like happens.stay strong guys!*HUGS*

motto of the day: BE LIKE people who keep a smile when they have every right to break down.:)

3:23 PM

my first autocad lesson

Sunday, April 25, 2010 11:19 PM

Do you have any idea how much i really like you? :(
- Pencil and eraser

Pencil: You know, I'm really sorry.

Eraser: For what? You didn't do anything wrong.

Pencil: I'm sorry, 'cause you get hurt because of me. Whenever I make a mistake, you're always there to erase it. But as you make my mistakes vanish, you lose a part of yourself. You get smaller and smaller every time.

Eraser: That's true, but I don't really mind. You see, I was made to do this. I was made to help you whenever you do something wrong. Even though, one of these days, I know I'll be gone and you have to replace me with a new one, I'm actually happy with my job. So please, stop worrying. I hate seeing you sad.

4:23 PM

i dont feel like doing any work today
such a slacker indeed
but i cant, shall force myself to do so later
erm, to youknowwhoyouare
you dont need someone to tell you what to do,you just someone to listen what you got to say

i tried to be that someone
hope it helps
dont dwell on it too long k
no matter what,you still got me
trust me,i mean what i said
cheer up & hugs(:

Thursday, April 22, 2010 2:19 AM

3rd day of school start(coming 4th)
i am still under holiday mode
year 2..? *sigh*

LOL at cs..hahaha

whats with the brighter colour?!



if only you werent ________
if only you determine a little _____
if only you know _______
i would have ______
so what if everyone is against this, what i want is the least you can give me.

Friday, April 16, 2010 10:52 PM

15 april 2010
the 4 days freshmen orientation program had officially ended

was assigned to be group 8 gl with syai, enjoyed myself and i know i am going to miss matchas!:)

highlights of fop BY RIGHT is the sD freshmen welcome party but BY LEFT, we got the wrong infor from somewhere.haha
last night was sP fop party
"sP" makes everything a larger scale comparing to "sD"
the moment you enters the dance hall, warm air; can sardine fish; unfamiliar faces, believe me you feel like leaving.
thats how i call it, sian.
but well,i stayed on. -.- contradicting uh?
its for my group!i stayed to accompany them..i know sounds unconvincing because i couldnt find them in the end but yes,its for my group!xD
well,the night was..
song not very nice, people that i dont know, smoky and warm, and worst things is that fat guy who is tagging behind me and joe.
fcuking fellow that i dont wanna talk about.
this is just not a night for me.=(

k i am done complaining.abit of photo.
58 aka matchas!
raymond,cheng long,cs,joe,me and kb; noticed the checkered?
spotlight is on me and randy!not cindy and estina hahah
ray is so cute!:)
lm, me, wz and xl lebak-ing~

give me tempo ready go~

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 6:47 PM

I want a boy.
A bad boy, but a bad boy with a soft side.
A boy who will make me laugh.
A boy who will let me play with his hair.
A boy who will stop and wait for me in the hall; take my hand; and walk me two classes away.
A boy who will tell me he loves me when I get to school.
A boy who will never be ashamed of me.
A boy who would go to something even though he doesnt want to; just to see me.
A boy who will run his fingers through my hair.
A boy who would take the long way to class and be late just to see me for 30 seconds.
A boy who would stay after school with me just to walk around and talk.
A boy that can free style for me.
A boy that would look me in the eyes and sing me something random but sweet.*
‘A boy that acts normal around anyone.
A boy who would tell a girl that he had a girlfriend.
A boy who would make out in the rain with me.
A boy who would lay under the stars and tell me stories as I lay my head on his chest.
A boy who would wait for me outside the bathroom.
A boy who would come up behind me; take my hands; and lay his head on my shoulder so I can put mine on his.
A boy who lets me pay for some thing’s.
A boy who would do something special for me if I were having a bad day.
A boy who would write on “Happy Birthday” on a chalkboard in one of my classes on my birthday.
A boy who would take someone’s cell phone; go into the bathroom and call me if I wasnt in school; and find out where I was.’
*A boy who would tell me things through my friends.
A boy who yells my name from across the hall.
A boy who would meet me at my locker every morning and at dismissal.
A boy who would beat another guys ass if they were messing with me.
A boy who would buy me 25 cent rings from gumball machines.
A boy who would call me at 3am and ask me what I was doing; and tell me he was thinking about me.
A boy who would go to the mall with me and we’d make fun of people.
A boy who would go places with me and my friends even though he’d be the only guy.
A boy who would laugh at me when I get a detention; only because he’s sitting there next to me for the same reason.*
‘A boy who would help me with my homework; even though he doesn’t know it either.
A boy who would pick out a song that made him think of me.
A boy who likes some of my music; and I would like some of his; even though we both in the first place hated it; but now love it cause they like it.
A boy who would help me if I was having problems at home.
A boy who would take the blame for me being late.
A boy who would pin me against a wall and kiss me.
A boy who would take me to the movies and see a stupid kid movie; just so we can sit in the back and make out.
A boy who makes his friends jealous of me because he talks about me so much.
A boy who lets me take pictures of him at embarrassing times.
A boy who would pretty much do anything for me.’

copyrighted from joe

Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:14 AM

isnt it too happening this days
theres something new everyday
how long more can i withstand all these?
i thought i had decided,i thought i had thought through.
i thought,but i realised i dont even know what i want

current music: ding dang cai bu tou

i miss the times when we talk till late nights. i miss the time when you laugh at my stupid joke. i miss the movie date which consist of many other people. i miss the time when we watch the same show tgt at different place. i miss everytime you sit in front of me during meal. i miss the time when you "shi she" your shoulder to me.
but whats the point of saying so much when i cant even understand you
perhaps i m just tired of guessing

Friday, April 9, 2010 1:33 AM

as confused as ever
maybe i should really agree the term "we shouldnt consider too much when it comes to relationship"
trying so hard not to hurt anyone but each time i fail,hurting the ones i most doesnt want to hurt.
i m a bad kid
blame me for whatever i had cause but tell me what to do,i really feel helpless.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010 10:14 PM

SDC freshmen orientation camp 2010 is AWESOME!!
i miss screaming and shouting for cheer songs already!!

the 3 days 2 night plus day 0 in school is awesome!*loved*
the point when you hear start to hear people saying they miss camp already makes everything worth.what we had being through doesnt matters anymore,WE DID IT!:)
highlights of the camp: freshmen party night aka dance floor!we danced till 5am!:D

Friday, April 2, 2010 12:59 AM

going for a 4 days 3 night camp in 7 hours..
SDC freshmen orientation CAMP 2010!!
miss me people.:)
anyway,heres one preview on one of the things i might be doing

noticed me?

my one and only cum 9 years old(i think) doll from my aunt

i am sacrifice it for camp

k going off soon..cya! *wink*

Thursday, April 1, 2010 5:49 PM

my 212rd post
happy 19th birthday weekeong
still sick?
anyway, i pardon for not being able to celebrate with you, too busy this days.sorry?
however i hope you did enjoy yourself.:)

somehow sometimes i got alot to say,but i no longer know who to turn to.perhaps i dont even know what i want..

i talk about my life and post unglam photos,hope it wont scare you off!


shuyi shiqi huiteng liting jessica kek celeste junice nazi nad xulan nicole sinyee joemin christina bryan bingrong fah darren meixuan huimei interiordesignyr2 SDclub shophouse shoppingspree bonitochico shopaholic-thecloset hollyhoque design themes

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