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People change,things go wrong, shit happens
but life goes on.
Monday, September 27, 2010 12:39 AM


dear grandchildens, please really love your grandparents..
dont wait till you lost them..
this is damn touching~kiat sent me this,wanna make me cry only..
i miss ahma suddenly~

Sunday, September 26, 2010 1:28 AM

i m glad that things are the way it is now
i must be insane back then, thinking that you could be the one
i could imagine what could have happen
i m so glad now

Saturday, September 25, 2010 4:55 PM

hmmm,someone tell me what happened to my tagboard?
i cant see anything,can you?

Thursday, September 23, 2010 1:10 AM

back from a 3 days 2 nights SDC chalet @ aloha loyang
correction,2 days 1 night,i left on the second night,sorry peeps!
everything was fine except that the place is too small
30 over people fitting in a 2 bedroom house
it felt like sardine and once stepping into i feel like dying

me and ahlan end up keep going out of the chalet and lepaking around the beach
you know we really cant stand heat -______-
however overall was fun.
its like a 2 days on going dating session except that i wasnt the one dating. (to those whom went,hem-hem,you know you know~)

ahlan bully me
but its wongliqi you re fighting with..so i fought back.heehee!
quote taken from joe, the clique five is back!:)

*wink* ahlan~
*puke* sorry, i tired my best heehee!

Saturday, September 18, 2010 4:57 PM

I'm Yours(little boy in ukulele)
this is hilarious..! but his guitar skill is much much better than mee

Friday, September 17, 2010 4:27 AM

i got presents for you guys,happiness.
thats all i want you all to have..

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 9:13 PM

critique over!
i m screwed!
oh well!
chalet comingg!
life is always as great if you think on the brighter side

quote of the day:
dont let trouble trouble you,let it be a source to
nurture yourself
you will grow and you will learn
and you will become someone whom you dont really know
but you will be grateful

9:25 AM

i had never liked presentations but this critique is really scaring me.
not only i m scared to present to the crowd but this time round i dont have enough material to talk about.
i m doomed~

Sunday, September 12, 2010 1:12 AM

you know what,i got the sudden urge of seeing alot of people
people whom i loved
especially those whom i havent been meeting them for ages..

friends like family - we see each other everyday,but i still misses each and everyone of you.you guys are way too awesome!:)
DID year 2 - submissions just over,next week crit.actually i dont really miss seeing you all,seeing you guys means school start.-____- but i admit i enjoy being with many of you.contradicting uh?:)
5b 08 - definitely an outing soon right?:)
convalent bond - orh,almost two years since we graduated.-___- meet up real soon pleaseeeeee!i really missed you girlsssss!
24th - we will never gonna have full attendance,tanya will never join us.but still i miss the times,100 push ups,remember?:)
kukus - we just met *loved* 35笼 小笼包,谢谢! i can foresee us meeting up in 10 years time.:)
band - er,anyone interested in going back? my trumpet misses me.:)
and of couse, christopher lao pa - tofu is never alone,cause i love tofu.:)

Friday, September 10, 2010 11:32 PM

so and before i forgot
this whole blog spamming thing is just crazy
if you realised,my blog had never been so active haha
and if you re missing out things
my name and blog link are used to insult people i dont know (in blog)

once again to those victim out there : i m terribly sorry for what had happened but believe it anot, he/she is really not me.i have said this in the previous previous post (scroll down).but then again, the presents of my name did more or less hurt you guys, so i apologise. in fact,i went to some of your blogs to check out and i think you are pretty.:) i really come in peace.:)

to the anonymous : i do not think that you are someone i know because i dont believe anyone would do this to a friend, perhaps not a friend but at least a person you met. as a person, i find the whole thing ridiculous and i am positive you are just some spammers that had no life. please do not carry on with your foolishness or if i finds out, i swear i will take actions and make you pay. however i guess i should thank you too. thanks to you, i had come to realised a bunch of trusted friends whom stayed with me and had never once doubt me.

thanks everyone for being there
although i wasnt really affected but each and everyone of you all's presence had make this liqi a stronger person. you peeps had really proven "friends like family".
i really love you all.:)

alright,now i hope this whole incident had come to the end because i would really wanna carry on with my life.well,its holidays.:)

11:18 PM

permed my hair,joems said i look scary but eileen said its fine
so how do i look?
sorry if its not nice and scared you,i just really missed my long and curly hair.:)
anyway about yesterday,
i nearly miss the timing and i MISSED a few submission requirement
but ya who cares, ITS OVER~*dance*
ITS HOLIDAYYYYYY!(next week crit -.-)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 12:39 PM

okay,this is damn weird.i was tonning over at ahlan house for thursday submissions and got this in the morning. just when i wanna worry for my incomplete work,i cant now.

to those kena the liqi spamming,
i apologise for whatever that happen and sorry for causing you guys so much trouble
but believe it anot,he'she is not me.
apparently i dont even know you peeps and i dont really care about being famous,so ya.
yes,i am upset but only at the liqi out there using my name.
i can totally understand what you guys are coming from so its okay.

to that unknown liqi wannabe,
will you please kindly stop the spamming outside,you are most welcome right here.however in condition,you wanna do it,do it using your name and right on my face.dont be a coward.
and yes,fcuk you

Tuesday, September 7, 2010 2:50 PM

hahaha,i m supposed to continue with my work but i guess a little break wont harm
i am getting distracted today
perhaps sleeping at 530am and waking up do work again did affect me abit
plus its common foundation party tonight(wee~)
and i m hungry.:)
this is my beloved assistantsocialsecretary, tonight's emcee,issac ang!
ek pang,i damn shuai today lah kay,except for your hair,haha!

Sunday, September 5, 2010 6:15 PM

Hebe - 我想我不会爱你

你的呼吸 还有你的声音
你的呼吸 穿过身体 我来不及反应
你的声音躲在耳里 让我生病
谢谢 你给的让我沉迷 让我丢掉了姓名
在好奇的时候 拉不住眼睛

我想我不会爱你 这样下去 渺小的自尊都快要抛弃
我想我不会爱你 只是也许

你的叹息 散落一地 让我歇斯底里
靠得太近一不小心 弄伤自己
谢谢 你给的让我沉迷 让我困住了自己
在迷路的时候 舍不得离去

我想我不会爱你 这样下去 渺小的自尊都快要抛弃
我想我不会恨你 伤的痕迹 住在我心底变成了秘密
我想我不会爱你 害怕失去 所以逞强的 远远看着你
我想我不会恨你 只是也许

我想我不会爱你 这样下去 渺小的自尊都快要抛弃
我想我不会恨你 伤的痕迹 住在我心底变成了秘密
我想我不会爱你 害怕失去 所以逞强的 远远看着你
我想我不会恨你 只是也许

Saturday, September 4, 2010 12:19 AM

like my new fringe?
not much of a different but shorter
gave up on growing long fringe,irritating and takes forever

Thursday, September 2, 2010 12:28 AM

*muach muach*
mind evacuation
sit there for hours and not come out with a single workable idea

i talk about my life and post unglam photos,hope it wont scare you off!


shuyi shiqi huiteng liting jessica kek celeste junice nazi nad xulan nicole sinyee joemin christina bryan bingrong fah darren meixuan huimei interiordesignyr2 SDclub shophouse shoppingspree bonitochico shopaholic-thecloset hollyhoque design themes

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