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People change,things go wrong, shit happens
but life goes on.
Monday, February 28, 2011 8:51 PM

itp day 1: good job,41 days to go.. ^_^"'
what did i learn : bad idea to wear a dress to work

3:10 AM


Sunday, February 27, 2011 11:51 PM

my last few hours of freedom before itp starts
i m really scared
scared for my lappy;scared for the environment;scared for being late
i guess i m too used to being in school and getting late for school
work @ weiken, please be a pleasant 7 weeks
i ll look forward to the day we all meet up again my friends.
with love

you know what, i am happy girl without the guys. even when i do misses you sometimes
but you were never the one i thought you might be, so i must well stop wasting time
it was all along my foolish thinking because apart from everything, you are just another passer by

Saturday, February 26, 2011 1:24 AM

25 feb 2011
RAINBOW first outing - sentosa!
rainbow minus one
raining sentosa = not good
its a freezing day
but ya,we had fun splashing water and dancing haha :)
okay,last 2 days before ITP starts..gonna cherish it well~
photos,theres more to go but some other day.:)

food is nice!


21 feb 2011
little khairi's 19 feb!
happy belated my love ^^
had Ramen Ten @ far east plaza and movie "no string attached"
nice show,but i really cant stand isaac and khai's giggly throughout the movie.hahah

Emma: You give me premature ventricular contractions.
Adam: What?
Emma: You make my heart skip a beat.

the ladies..
and the dudes^^
oh and bhb abit,

Wednesday, February 23, 2011 4:04 AM


Sunday, February 20, 2011 7:22 PM

suddenly i realised i really cant sing..*纳闷*

3:55 PM

rainbow obsession..lol
Rainbow - Gossip Girl

i had a weird dream about catching pigeons in an old ulu school somewhere,somedays ago.
lol i wonder what it means?so i googled

pigeon dream interpretation
To dream of seeing pigeons and hearing them cooing above their cotes, denotes domestic peace and pleasure-giving children. For a young woman, this dream indicates an early and comfortable union. To see them being used in a shooting match, and, if you participate, it denotes that cruelty in your nature will show in your dealings, and you are warned of low and debasing pleasures. To see them flying, denotes freedom from misunderstanding, and perhaps news from the absent.

lol i still dont understand

oh and i watching 女娲传说之灵珠 aka the holy pearls (inuyasha the chinese drama version haha) and its so freaking sad when kikyo said "我才是你最爱!" like oh my god!
to people whom dont know the story between inuyasha, kikyo and kagome : inuyasha and kikyo were once couple and something happened to them 50 years ago, causes them to be apart, one dead and one "frozen". 50 years later kagome, kikyo's reincarnation ,whom came from the future released inuyasha from the curse. yes,they then fall in love but something happened again which allow kikyo to revive from her death. inuyasha now caught in between 2 of his most beloved but in ended when he decides to stay with kagome. thats why kikyo said "我才是你最爱!" to him before she left.
thinking either from kikyo or kagome's point of view makes me sad.
kagome: you love only because i am her reincarnation?because i looked like her? or you really do like me?
kikyo: you are giving me up because of my reincarnation?how irony.

Saturday, February 19, 2011 3:49 AM

congratulations lim xu lan and joemin kok! you guys can finally join us!
went to "see the guys" hahaha,i mean the soccer guys,chee siang and friends
theres the weird combo of secondary school mate,did mate and club mate
damn weird larr
ya and kbox with ahlan from 445 - 7pm
k box is NEVER going to be enough so ya, next week!
yes my dear joe and clique, weekiat and clique and eileen..someday someday~
so theres photos :)

oh and ahlan came just now and we had a nail painting-korean dancing!crazy, yes.
cause submissions is over!YAY! we got a week of break and its itp~

Thursday, February 17, 2011 7:34 PM

G.NA - Black & White
heres my new love,another cute mv!

oh,and i am officially free from year 2!wee!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011 11:21 PM

Rainbow - A

TaeYeon & Tiffany (SNSD) - Reflection
sooo nice!

oh and how can i not blog about my new loved purple poker-dot nails!

Monday, February 14, 2011 2:59 AM

valentine day =/= couple day

12:24 AM


Tuesday, February 1, 2011 12:47 AM

free.at.last. \m/
jiayou a little longer and its cny,dcmd kids! (L)

i talk about my life and post unglam photos,hope it wont scare you off!


shuyi shiqi huiteng liting jessica kek celeste junice nazi nad xulan nicole sinyee joemin christina bryan bingrong fah darren meixuan huimei interiordesignyr2 SDclub shophouse shoppingspree bonitochico shopaholic-thecloset hollyhoque design themes

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